Few things are more stressful than the surprise positive pregnancy test. It can be even more overwhelming if you are pregnant with a partner you no longer want to be in a relationship with.
Read this article to work through this situation practically and graciously with your (ex) partner.
What Do I Need to Know About My Pregnancy Before I Make Any Decisions?
You do not have to tell your partner as soon as you have a positive pregnancy test. It’s okay to take time to process the news for yourself. Legally, only you have a say in the pregnancy outcome.
You don’t have to make any decisions right away. Our services include free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds that can provide valuable information about your pregnancy’s health, age, and location. These details are necessary in determining your eligibility for various pregnancy options.
Does He Deserve to Know?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question because every situation is different. If your partner is violent or you fear for your safety, sharing the news with him right away is not wise.
However, in most circumstances (barring threats to your safety), it’s the best decision to share the news of your pregnancy with him, even if you do not want to remain in a relationship.
Because he is the father, he has a right to know that he has created a life. Being pregnant with his child does not mean you must stay together, but the most honest thing is to share the news with him.
What Do I Do Now?
Deciding how to proceed with your pregnancy, whether to inform your partner before breaking up and considering your unique circumstances and goals can be tricky.
At Pregnancy Options Miami, we offer no-cost consultations where you can come and talk about your unique situation, learn more about your pregnancy, and share your concerns in a confidential and compassionate space.
You don’t have to navigate this alone. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!