The 6-week abortion law went into effect May 1, 2024. Pregnancy Options Miami will continue to provide pre-abortion care to our patients. There is a lot of miscommunication surrounding the new law. Get the facts.

In The Law

The bill limits abortions to no more than 6 weeks gestation with the exception of rape, incest, human trafficking, and fetal abnormality.

The 6 Week Bill and Miscarriage Care

Miscarriage is not an elective abortion. Medical care for miscarriages cannot be denied.

Treatment For Ectopic Pregnancies

Ectopic pregnancy is a serious medical condition that must be immediately treated. It is not an elective abortion.

What If I Don’t See Cardiac Activity?

If you cannot confirm the pregnancy, there is no need to pursue an abortion yet. Our medical staff will schedule a repeat ultrasound for you within a few days.

Abortion Pill By Mail

Getting the abortion pill by mail at any stage of pregnancy is illegal in the state of Florida.


We are a free medical resource for you. If your home pregnancy test is positive schedule your free consultation with Pregnancy Options Miami to confirm the pregnancy with a medical-grade pregnancy test and an ultrasound. Then explore all your pregnancy options.

No Longer Considering Abortion

If you were planning to have an abortion but are past 6 weeks gestation, we have resources to help you.

To schedule a free pregnancy test and ultrasound or to discuss all your options with a Registered Nurse, send a text to 786-218-8511. Our Nurse Chatline is available 24/7.

She believed she could
so she did