I’m too young to be a dad!
“How can this be happening to me?”
“Let’s just act like this never happened.”
“This isn’t my problem!”
She is Pregnant, Now What?
You just found out your girlfriend is pregnant, and your mind is spinning with questions and anxious thoughts.
In reality, millions of men have walked in your shoes and have come out on the other side — better and stronger for it. In the midst of your fears and “what if” questions, it’s important to remember help is available for men just like you!
Here at Pregnancy Options Miami, we’re passionate about walking men and women through unexpected pregnancies. If you and your girlfriend are looking for no-cost healthcare resources and a safe and confidential place to process your thoughts and worries, look no further.
Here’s our guide to finding the help you need during this time…
Confirm the Pregnancy with Free Pregnancy Testing and an Ultrasound
Before you and your girlfriend do anything else, you’ll want to confirm she’s pregnant with a viable pregnancy. Your local pregnancy clinic, Pregnancy Options Miami, will provide you with no-cost, lab-quality pregnancy testing for the most accurate results.
Your nurse will then walk you through the results and help you and your girlfriend set up an ultrasound.
Getting an ultrasound is a vital part of understanding your pregnancy options. It provides you and your girlfriend with important information, including the age, location, and viability of the pregnancy. These factors will help you determine when the pregnancy is due, whether there are any immediate health concerns you should be aware of, and what pregnancy options are available.
For couples considering abortion, these results will help determine which procedure your girlfriend would be eligible for and how much it might cost.
Consider Your Options
When walking through an unplanned pregnancy, you have three pregnancy options: abortion, adoption, and parenting.
As you and your girlfriend discuss these options, it’s important to take your time and consider all the information and resources available to you. The more knowledge you have, the better your decision-making process.
If you’re reading this blog, you’re likely someone who wants to take care of those around you. In the midst of this process, consider supporting your girlfriend by letting her know you’re in this together.
Confide in a Friend, Family Member, or Professional
Once you confirm the pregnancy, we recommend finding a safe person to talk to. Regardless of the pregnancy option you and your girlfriend choose, this will be a defining life moment for you both. It’s important to take time to process your feelings and share your worries and fears out loud with someone you trust.
While this can be a friend or family member, you might also consider talking with a professional at your local pregnancy clinic. Pregnancy Options Miami’s trained Care Coordinators are available to help you and your girlfriend as you process, ask questions and seek information on all the available options and resources.
Schedule Your Free Appointment
At Pregnancy Options Miami, there’s nothing to lose by scheduling an appointment because we provide all pregnancy services at no cost to you. We’re here to help and support you and your girlfriend as you consider all your options, and make the best decision for yourselves.
Contact us to schedule now.