What’s the Difference Between the Abortion Pill and Plan B?

What are the Side Effects From Abortion?

Although both are used to treat an unplanned pregnancy, there are some key differences between the abortion pill and plan B, also called the Morning-After pill.  One is used after pregnancy, and the other before a fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus (as it can help block fertilization, stop a fertilized egg from attaching, … Continued

Can I Buy the Abortion Pill Online?

Can I buy the abortion pill online?

With the overturning of Roe v. Wade in the summer of 2022, finding information about what’s available to you in your state can feel a bit like solving a puzzle.  Currently, the state of Florida does not allow the purchase of a medication abortion after a telehealth consultation. You must first have an in-person visit … Continued

When Should I Take a Pregnancy Test? 

When Should I Take a Pregnancy Test?

If you have recently had unprotected sex, you’re probably wondering what the earliest is that you can learn if you are pregnant. In general, the recommendation is that you should wait at least a week after your missed period. Keep reading to understand how pregnancy tests work and why they require this.  How Do Pregnancy … Continued

Roe v. Wade overturned: Separating fact from fiction

roe v wade

With the historic overruling of Roe v. Wade, lots of opinions have been shared online that can make it difficult to discern what is true and what’s false. There are people on both sides of the equation making claims that add to the confusion.  If you are facing an unexpected pregnancy in the state of … Continued

Risks of Ordering Abortion Pill Online

Risks of Ordering Abortion Pill Online

If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, ordering the abortion pill online may seem like a quick and simple solution–but there are side effects and risks to your health that you should be aware of before you make any decision. What is the Abortion Pill? The medical treatment that is commonly referred to as the … Continued

Am I Eligible for the Abortion Pill?

Am I eligible for the abortion pill

Laws for abortion are different in every state. Recently, a law was passed in Florida banning abortions after 15 weeks. If you have been pregnant longer than 15 weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period, you are not eligible for abortion in Florida, including the abortion pill. What Is The Abortion Pill? … Continued

What Are the Risks of the Abortion Pill?

Abortion Pill

Are you considering using the abortion pill method to terminate your unexpected pregnancy? First, learn about the procedure and the risks, like an incomplete abortion or heavy and prolonged bleeding. How Does The Abortion Pill Work? There are two types of abortion: medication (or medical) and surgical. The abortion pill is a medical abortion procedure … Continued

What Do I Need Before An Abortion?

pregnant woman

If you’re exploring the option of abortion, you will need more than just a positive pregnancy test to move forward. Pregnancy confirmation is necessary to know how far along you are, which determines what abortion options you have. Start your pregnancy confirmation journey at Pregnancy Options Miami with free and confidential pregnancy testing, followed by … Continued

Is Abortion or Adoption Right for Me?

This woman is wondering, is abortion or adoption right for me?

Are you going back and forth between the options of abortion and adoption? With an unplanned pregnancy, maybe you’ve already come to the conclusion that parenting is not for you. Whether you are a single parent or married with children, be well informed about both options today. Both abortion and adoption will affect your life … Continued

What Are the Signs of An Incomplete Abortion?

This woman is wondering what are the signs of an incomplete abortion?

Signs of incomplete abortion are normally easy to spot, as there are major symptoms that can cause severe pain. Some signs of an incomplete abortion include heavy vaginal bleeding, lower abdominal pain, or pelvic pain.  Keep reading to learn more about what else to look out for if you think you may be experiencing an … Continued

She believed she could
so she did