3 Things Needed Before Abortion

3 Things Needed Before Abortion

There are multiple things needed before moving forward with abortion. Three include receiving a positive pregnancy test, having an ultrasound, and learning about abortion (including understanding the risks). Get the facts so you can make an informed decision. 1. A Positive Pregnancy Test You might be second-guessing your pregnancy test results. To know where you … Continued

What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

Abortion is a procedure with risks and side effects; if you are considering this option for your unexpected pregnancy, you should know what signs of complications to look for. One possible complication is an incomplete abortion. Below are the symptoms to help you understand essential safety steps to protect your health. Keep reading to learn … Continued

3 Things to Know About Florida’s Abortion Law in 2024

3 Things to Know About Florida’s Abortion Law in 2024

Are you wondering what has changed with abortion laws in Florida since the 2024 election? Since the proposed amendment did not pass, the six-week abortion restriction law remains in effect. Understanding what this law means it is important to determine your next steps and pregnancy options. Keep reading to learn more. Six-Week Abortion Bill In … Continued

What are the Different Types of Abortion?

What are the Different Types of Abortion?

There are two main types of abortion: medical abortion and surgical abortion. The FDA only recommends women through 10 weeks of pregnancy for medical abortion (also known as the abortion pill). So it’s important to first understand how far along you are if considering abortion. You will want to confirm the pregnancy with a lab … Continued

Is an Online Abortion or At-Home Abortion Safe?

Is an Online Abortion or At-Home Abortion Safe?

Are you going back and forth between your pregnancy options? You might have questions regarding the safety of online abortion (or at-home abortion). Though it seems convenient, there are serious risks to your health to consider. There is less medical oversight, and unknown online providers are a direct risk to your health. Keep reading to … Continued

What are the Risks of Abortion?

What Are the Risks of Abortion?

Abortion, like any medical procedure, carries risks. In order to make an informed choice, it’s essential to be aware of both the physical risks and the potential effects on your mental health. There are various types of abortion procedures, including surgical and chemical abortions, each associated with different risks. We offer no-cost abortion info consultation … Continued

How to Make an Informed Decision About Using the Abortion Pill?

How to Make an Informed Decision About Using the Abortion Pill

The abortion pill (known as medical abortion) is a two-step process that comes with risks to consider. Know what to expect to make an informed decision about using the abortion pill. Some women should not move forward for safety reasons—determine if you are eligible. You owe it to yourself to learn as much information as … Continued

What are the potential Mental Health Risks of Abortion?

What are the potential Mental Health Risks of Abortion?

Are you considering terminating your pregnancy? It’s essential to research the possible risks that an abortion may have on your mental health. Every person’s post-abortive emotional journey is unique, but multiple studies suggest that this procedure can have negative consequences. Pregnancy Options Miami offers no-cost consultations, during which you can ask questions, share concerns, and … Continued

How do I choose the family that will adopt my baby?

How do I choose the family that will adopt my baby?

Deciding to make an adoption plan is not just about finding a home for your child. It’s about choosing to place your child in a loving, secure environment. Once you’ve made this decision, the next step is to find the best family for your baby. This can seem overwhelming, but keep reading or contact us … Continued

Can I Get Help With Pregnancy Expenses if I Choose Adoption?

Can I Get Help With Pregnancy Expenses if I Choose Adoption?

Like every woman, every adoption experience is unique. Finding an adoption coordinator who has your best interests at heart is critical. You need to be supported both physically and mentally. In Florida, you can receive assistance for pregnancy-related expenses. Choose an adoption agency that knows Florida’s adoption law. What Does it Mean to Create a … Continued

She believed she could
so she did