What Can I Do if My Partner Doesn’t Support My Pregnancy?

What can I do if My partner doesn't support my pregnancy?

Legally, only you can decide the best choice for your pregnancy. Only you can choose the outcome if your partner is unsupportive of your decision. According to a study by the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, almost 75% of women who had an abortion felt at least partially pressured into making the decision. However, … Continued

What Can I Do if I’m Afraid of Giving Birth?

pregnant woman

Whether you’ve seen traumatic birth experiences shared on social media or even heard of them from friends, being nervous about giving birth, especially if it’s your first, is entirely understandable!  Women are often more likely to talk about the harder experiences than the easier births, so it’s easy to conclude that every delivery will be … Continued

I’m Pregnant, and My Partner is Abusive

pregnant woman

You may feel powerless if you are pregnant and in an abusive relationship, but do not lose hope – you can get out of this situation. If you need assistance immediately, Call the National Domestic Abuse Hotline at (800)799-7233 for help.  Read this article for practical steps to find the life of freedom you deserve. … Continued

My Birth Control Failed: What Do I Do?

pregnant woman

Even if you’re sexually active and responsibly use contraception, unplanned pregnancies still happen. Millions of women experience this every year, so you are not alone!  If you’re unsure what the next steps to take are after failed birth control, read this article for steps to protect your health and gather information to make the best … Continued

What Can Guys Do With an Unplanned Pregnancy?

white man considering pregnancy choices

Whether you’re in a relationship or had a one-night stand, learning that you helped create a pregnancy may cause you to feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do.  It’s essential to approach the situation with an open mind and consider all options before deciding. The good news is that options and resources are available, … Continued

How to Tell Your Boyfriend and Family that You Are Pregnant

black woman thinking of her pregnancy

If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, sharing the news with those close to you, your boyfriend and family may feel like one of the most difficult hurdles of this journey. You are not alone! Read this article for some practical steps that can help you prepare to navigate this situation. Gather the Facts When … Continued

How Do I Support My Friend Experiencing an Unexpected Pregnancy?

woman holding her belly

Having a friend’s support during a challenging time such as an unexpected pregnancy goes a long way. If you are wondering how to support your friend experiencing an unexpected pregnancy, we want to offer some practical advice! 1. Let Her Know You’re There Your friend is going through a rollercoaster of emotions right now. She’s … Continued

What Is the Difference Between a Blood and Urine Pregnancy Test?

woman holding her belly

If you suspect you are pregnant, the first step is to confirm this with a pregnancy test. If you’ve never used a pregnancy test before or are concerned about accuracy, you’re likely curious about the difference between a blood and urine test. The first step when facing an unplanned pregnancy is to take a deep … Continued

How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?

How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?

If you are experiencing common pregnancy symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, or a missed period, the first step you’ll want to take is to confirm whether you are pregnant with a test. Read this article to understand how pregnancy tests work and how to determine the best time to take the test. Choosing a Pregnancy … Continued

She believed she could
so she did