Helping High School Students
We know that the idea of having a child in high school can make you feel anxious and overwhelmed. You may not have even had the time to process your situation. At Pregnancy Options Miami, we offer many free services and resources to help you understand what’s happening and decide what to do next.
How can Pregnancy Options Miami help?
Pregnancy Options Miami offers free, lab-quality pregnancy testing services, which is the first step you need to take if you think you might be pregnant. Following a positive pregnancy testing result, we can offer you a free Limited OB Ultrasound, which will help determine your health and the health of your pregnancy. We know this can feel surreal, and we’re here to help you every step of the way.
What if I’m under 18?
No matter how old you are, we can provide you with the same free services we offer everyone else. Our goal is to make sure you are healthy and well-taken care of before we talk about potential options.
Do I have to tell my parents?
Every appointment at Pregnancy Options Miami is strictly confidential, whether you’re 14 or 18. Our job is not to force you to tell anyone before you’re ready, but to provide you with the necessary resources and services. It’s up to you to tell your parents when you are ready.
I can’t drive on my own yet, how do I get to your center?
If you are unable to drive, Pregnancy Options Miami may be able to cover your transportation costs to get to our center. Contact us for more information about transportation.
Pregnancy Options Miami is committed to providing high school students facing unexpected pregnancies with free, quality care that is strictly confidential. Schedule an appointment with us today to receive services and information about your options.